Great local (Chicago, IL) Training Opportunity FIRE LIFE SAFETY MAY22flyer
Signing of AB641 into Law on April 3rd at the state capitol.
Our Past President, Scott Satula was able to attend the bill signing for AB 641 in Madison last week (he even got a commemorative pen). This is the bill relating to building plan review that WCOA was very involved in. Great work by everyone in WCOA who provided input and worked on this.
Signing of SB458 into law on Tuesday, March 1st at the state capitol.
With the support of our Board of Directors, Brian Flannery worked with Brad Boycks of WBA, Curt Witynski of the League of Municipalities, Mike Koles of the Wisconsin Towns Association, and Bob DuPont of ARC. Brian provided several suggestions that improved upon the original bill. Our collaborative effort came to fruition on Tuesday with the signing of 2015 Act 211. Below is a quote from Brad Boycks.
“We believe that this new law will allow consumers greater confidence that they are working with a contractor who is current with their DSPS credential and also allow both local municipalities and the state of Wisconsin to have real time data on housing. The final law was the result of a number of different groups working together to greatly improve the bill from the start to what was ultimately signed into law as 2015 Wisconsin Act 211. Finally, a special thank you to Brian Flannery of the City of Verona and the President of the Wisconsin Code Officials Alliance. Brian provided great suggestions to help improve this law change and we look forward to continuing this collaborative effort in the future on sound housing policies.”